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managmentAs an alternative to the representation it might be interesting to establish a company, particularly in Switzerland, which does offer some advantages for foreign companies establishing Swiss subsidiaries. For instance the Swiss corporate taxes are rather low and laws are quite liberal when it comes to company founding, employment and consumer protection.
We have the experience in founding and managing companies and in strategic management as board members.

We offer: 

m analysysMarket analysis

survey of trendsSurvey of trends / latest market developments

competitor analysysCompetitor analysis  

companyEstablishment of a company on-site

legalLegal clarifications  

financialChecking financial and tax aspects  

directorFinding members of the board of directors

recruitmentSelection and recruitment of appropriate staff

Brasser & Partners GmbH
Hammerstr. 81, CH-8032 Zurich

Tel. +41 (0) 43 211 0021
M. +41 (0) 79 436 18 55
