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Tel + 41 (0) 43 211 00 21

en white de black

consultingYou seek advice and guidance regarding the best practices to enter these markets, whether from a marketing/sales point of view or when it comes to legal and financial aspects. We have the experience to guide you, the contacts to support you and the competence to provide you with best possible solutions.



We offer: 

m analysysMarket analysis

survey of trendsSurvey of trends / latest market developments

competitor analysysCompetitor analysis  

companyEstablishment of a company on-site

legalLegal clarifications  

financialChecking financial and tax aspects  

directorFinding members of the board of directors

recruitmentSelection and recruitment of appropriate staff


Brasser & Partners GmbH
Hammerstr. 81, CH-8032 Zurich

Tel. +41 (0) 43 211 0021
M. +41 (0) 79 436 18 55
